At Covalense Global, we leverage our expertise in AI, including Gen AI, alongside our in-house solutions, to guide you through ongoing transformations. Whether you’re tackling complex business challenges or capitalizing on new opportunities, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

From harnessing the power of AI to optimizing your investments in cutting-edge technology, we’ll bring together the right combination of talent and capabilities to help you envision and shape a brighter future!




  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • CV & NLP
  • Gen Al
  • Strategic Consulting​
Solution Connectors

Solution Connectors







  • Digital Transformation
  • Enterprise Application
  • AI & Data Science
Solution Connectors

Solution Connectors

State-of-the-Art Solutions

State-of-the-Art Solutions

Where innovation meets your every need, today
and tomorrow
Hyperpersonalized Conversational<br />

Hyperpersonalized Conversational

Elevating interactions to tailored perfection,
one conversation at a time
Precise Analysis & Insights

Precise Analysis & Insights

Unveiling the hidden gems within your data,
empowering informed decisions
Enhance Customer Interactions

Enhance Customer Interactions

Where every conversation becomes a
meaningful connection
Optimize Operations

Optimize Operations

Streamlining every process for peak
performance and unparalleled efficiency
Trusted By Global Businesses

Trusted By Global Businesses

Where reliability meets the world's
expectations, every step of the way

CGLENSE : iAnalyst

A robust AIML platform with interactive, intuitive, human-like capabilities for conducting multi-dimensional data analysis. It delivers comprehensive business insights rapidly, enabling executive management to make quick and informed decisions efficiently.

Key Features:

  • Cutting-Edge Parsing Engine: Employing an advanced parser engine ensures not just swifter but also more precise data analysis.​
  • Dynamic Query Generation: Seamlessly create intricate queries directly from the user’s natural language input, simplifying data retrieval.
  • Comprehensive Data Visualization: Present analyzed data in a plethora of graph outputs, offering an immersive and insightful data visualization experience.​
  • Customizable Reporting Styles: Choose from a variety of reporting styles to generate summaries, facilitating efficient communication of pivotal insights tailored to your audience's preferences.​
  • Seamless Integration with Leading LLMs: Compatible with prominent Language Model Platforms, facilitating seamless integration with existing data systems, ensuring smooth data flow and interoperability.​
  • Advanced Comparative Analysis: Effortlessly conduct comparison and trend analysis on both present and historical data, empowering users to glean actionable insights from comprehensive data sets.​
  • Human-Centric Interface: Featuring a user-friendly interface designed to add human-centric context, fostering a natural and intuitive user experience that reduces learning curves and enhances engagement. Additionally, this includes intuitive user interfaces and interactive visualizations, making it accessible to users across the organization, regardless of technical expertise.​
  • Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis: Empower users to explore data from various perspectives simultaneously, enabling comprehensive analysis across multiple dimensions such as time, geography, demographics, and more.
  • Advanced Admin Module: Utilize the advanced Admin module to build and manage business knowledge KPIs and acronyms, fostering a robust repository of organizational intelligence.​
  • Unparalleled Scalability: LLM clusters are strategically deployed to handle increased query and customer loads, ensuring enhanced performance and uninterrupted service.​
  • Robust Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implement Role-Based Access Control mechanisms to securely manage and restrict data access, safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.​​

Key Benefits:

  • Cost Reduction: iAnalyst can help businesses identify inefficiencies and streamline operations, leading to cost savings. For example, optimizing inventory management based on advanced analytics can reduce excess inventory holding costs and minimize stockouts, resulting in significant savings.​
  • Revenue Growth: iAnalyst enables businesses to gain insights into customer behavior, market trends, and sales performance, allowing them to identify opportunities for revenue growth. These insights can be used to refine marketing strategies, personalize customer experiences, and launch targeted promotions to drive increased sales and revenue.​
  • Time Savings: iAnalyst automates data analysis and reporting processes, saving employees valuable time. This allows employees to focus on higher-value activities like strategic planning, innovation, and customer engagement, driving productivity gains and accelerating time-to-market for new initiatives.​
  • Improved Decision Making: iAnalyst provides decision-makers with real-time access to actionable insights, enabling faster and more informed decision-making. Leveraging data-driven insights can help businesses make better strategic decisions, mitigate risks, and capitalize on emerging opportunities, ultimately driving business growth and competitiveness.​
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: By understanding customer preferences, behaviors, and sentiment through data analysis, businesses can tailor products, services, and marketing campaigns to better meet customer needs. This personalized approach can lead to higher customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and reduced customer churn, ultimately driving long-term profitability and growth.​​
  • Competitive Advantage: iAnalyst empowers businesses to stay ahead of the competition by providing insights into market trends, competitor strategies, and emerging opportunities. By leveraging these insights to differentiate their offerings, innovate proactively, and adapt quickly to changing market conditions, businesses can maintain a competitive edge and capture market share.​
  • Risk Mitigation and Compliance: iAnalyst can help businesses identify and mitigate risks related to compliance, fraud, and security breaches through advanced analytics and monitoring capabilities. By proactively identifying potential issues and taking corrective actions, businesses can avoid costly fines, legal liabilities, and reputational damage, ultimately safeguarding their bottom line and brand reputation.​​


A robust AIML suite with interactive, intuitive, human-like features for personalized data retrieval, product portfolio searches, enhancing customer experience, handling FAQs and generating actionable insights to drive business improvements.

Key Features:

  • Advanced Parsing Engine for Swift Data Retrieval: Employing an advanced parsing engine ensures not only expedited but also highly accurate data retrieval, optimizing user experience and operational efficiency.
  • Natural Language Understanding and Intent Recognition: Seamlessly interpret users' natural language queries and intents, swiftly presenting relevant information tailored to their needs and preferences.
  • Efficient Product Catalog Access: Provide users with seamless access to the product/SKU/asset catalog, offering direct links for swift addition to their shopping carts, streamlining the browsing and purchasing process.​
  • Enhanced Product Insights: Offer comprehensive insights on product/SKU/asset metadata, delivering greater relevance to user searches and enabling informed purchasing decisions.​
  • Robust Recommendation Engine: Powerful recommendation engine to suggest products based on various factors such as usage patterns, price range, brand preferences, compatibility requirements, enhancing personalized recommendations and driving conversion rates.​
  • Seamless Integration with Leading LLMs: Compatible with prominent Language Model Platforms, facilitating seamless integration with existing data systems, ensuring smooth data flow and interoperability.​
  • Unparalleled Scalability: LLM clusters are strategically deployed to handle increased query and customer loads, ensuring enhanced performance and uninterrupted service.​
  • Advanced Admin Module: Utilize the advanced Admin module to build and manage business knowledge KPIs and acronyms, fostering a robust repository of organizational intelligence.​
  • Omni-Channel Product Information Availability: Ensure seamless availability of product information across various channels, enabling consistent and cohesive customer experiences across online and offline touchpoints, enhancing brand engagement and customer satisfaction.​

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Data Processing Efficiency: With an advanced parsing engine for swift data retrieval, businesses benefit from faster and more accurate information access, optimizing operational efficiency and user experience.​
  • Increased Sales & Growth: A robust recommendation engine leverages various factors like usage patterns and brand preferences to enhance user experience and drive higher conversion rates.​
  • Improved User Interaction and Satisfaction & Loyalty: Capabilities in natural language understanding and intent recognition allow the system to effectively communicate and tailor responses, increasing user satisfaction and engagement.​
  • Streamlined Access and Purchasing Processes: Efficient product catalog access with direct links for adding items to shopping carts enhances the customer journey, making it quicker and easier for users to find and purchase products.​
  • Informed Decision-Making: Enhanced product insights provide detailed and relevant information, helping users make informed decisions about products, SKUs, or assets.​
  • Scalability for Growing Business Needs: Deployment of language model clusters to handle increased loads ensures scalable, uninterrupted service as business demands grow.
  • Enhanced Organizational Intelligence: The advanced Admin module builds and manages business knowledge, creating a robust repository of organizational intelligence for improved decision-making.​
  • Personalized Marketing and New Revenue Channels: Tailored marketing strategies and the exploration of new revenue channels through personalized approaches and analytics.​
  • Consistent Multi-channel Experience: Omni-channel availability of product information ensures consistent customer experiences across all platforms and touchpoints, enhancing brand engagement and satisfaction.​
  • Seamless Technological Integration: Compatibility with leading language model platforms facilitates smooth integration with existing data systems, ensuring uninterrupted data flow and interoperability.​

Covalense Global Snapshot





Geographies<br />








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